On-line courses will be available across 22 departments in 6 colleges

Illinois Global Institute is pleased to announce the fall 2020 courses that are part of the on-line and hybrid course development initiative by the IGI and its ten area and global studies centers and thematic programs. This initiative has supported course development across disciplines, including 33 courses in 22 departments in 6 colleges and schools.

Global learning, which has always been an integral part of the University of Illinois, is doubly important in our moment. As it becomes more difficult for students, faculty and visitors to travel, faculty are pursuing new ways to engage with the world. And amid a global pandemic, it is critical that we understand this experience and our relationships to it in its global perspectives. The courses supported by our online learning initiative are intended to bridge and connect students to our world through creative pedagogies and new methods and materials.

The Illinois Global Institute is comprised of ten area study centers and thematic programs: Center for African Studies, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, Center for Global Studies, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, European Union Center, The Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, Program in Arms Control and Domestic and International Security, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center, Women and Gender in Global Perspectives.

Listings for On-line Courses Funded Through IGI Grant

Course Number

Course Name


Course Department

ACE 251

The World Food Economy

Hope Michelson


ANTH 499

Anthropology of Policing

Jeffrey T Martin


ARCH 321

Environment, Architecture, and Global Health

Christina Bollo


ARTH 110

Introduction to the History of Art and Visual Culture

David O'Brien

Art and Design

BCS 115

South Slavic Cultures

David Cooper

Slavic Languages and Literatures

CHIN 201

Elementary Chinese I

Chilin Shih

East Asian Languages and Cultures

EALC 250

Introduction to Japanese Culture

Christopher Thane Callahan

East Asian Languages and Cultures

EALC 398-D

Yellow Peril Redux: From Coolies to Communism, Trade Wars and Coronavirus

Dan Shao

East Asian Languages and Cultures


Masterpieces of East Asian Literatures

Jingling Chen

East Asian Languages and Cultures

EURO 199

Smart Cities

Elly Hanauer

European Union Studies

GLBL 100

Introduction to Global Studies

Zsuzsa Gille

LAS Global Studies

GLBL 240

Global Health

Zsuzsa Gille; Valeria Bonatti

LAS Global Studies

GLBL 350

Poverty in a Global Context

Charles Fogelman

Global Studies

GWS 363

Gender, Health and Popular Culture

Karen Flynn

Gender and Women's Studies

HIST 104

Black Music

Marc Hertzman



East Asian Civilizations

Roderick Wilson


HIST 260

Russian History from Early Times to the Present: Experience, Imagination, and Power

Mark Steinberg


JAPN 203

Intermediate Japanese I

Misumi Sadler

East Asian Languages and Cultures

JAPN 305

Advanced Japanese I

Misumi Sadler

East Asian Languages and Cultures

KOR 201, KOR 221

Elementary Korean I, Korean Reading and Writing I

Jeeyoung Ahn Ha

East Asian Languages and Cultures

LAST 170

Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean

Ellen Moodie

Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

LER 199

Global Women Workers in the 21st Century

Emily E. LB. Twarog

School of Labor and Employment Relations

MUS 132

Popular Music Studies; Topic: Music of Puerto Rico

Carlos Roberto Ramirez


MUS 133

Introduction to World Music

Donna A. Buchanan

School of Music - Musicology Area

MUS 418B/518B

Regional Studies in Musicology: Eurasian Musical Excursions

Donna A. Buchanan

School of Music

PSYC 235 (AL1, AB1, AB2).

Introduction to Statistics.

Michelle Y. Wang


RST 150

Foundations of Tourism

Carla Santos

Recreation, Sport and Tourism

RUSS 322; CWL 324; ENG 322


Harriet Murav


SAME 250

Introduction to Middle East Studies

Angela Williams


SOC 162

International Health Policy

Caitlin Vitosky Clarke


UP 246

International Environmental Planning and Governance

Sean Kennedy

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

UP 260

Social Inequalities and Planning

Ken Salo

Urban and Regional Planning

UP 423

Community Development in Global South

Faranak Miraftab

Urban and Regional Planning

VCM 547

Global One Health

Will Sander

Veterinary Clinical Medicine